Padua, known as the City of the Saint, is a charming mixture of both a cultural and an industrial city, one of the most ancient in northern Italy filled with remains of its history and important works of art.
Padua was a Roman settlement, it's importance grew during the 13th and 16th centuries when it hosted Europe second biggest university. In 17th century also Galileo Galileo was a teacher and researcher in Padua University. Padua medical faculty became one of the most prestigious in Europe.
In that time the city was a scientific, artistic and cultural center but most of all a religious and pilgrimage center. In Padua in fact was buried one of the most important saints of Christian religion:
St. Anthony from Padua, who was actually born in Portugal, but lived most of his life in Padua. St. Anthony initially joined the Augustinian order, but then became a Franciscan. He is often referred to as the "Hammer of Heretics" because of his simple, and sometimes, miraculous way of preaching.
Thanks to St. Anthony fame and the pilgrims that visited his tomb, Padua became one of the most important cultural center in the North-east of Italy. Even nowadays millions of piligrims come every year to visit the "Basilica di Sant’Antonio".
This heritage can still be found all over the city, with the works of great masters such as Giotto, Mantegna and Donatello who left in Padua some of their greatest masterpiece. Some works by Giotto can be admired in the Sant’Antonio basilica, but his greatest work is in the Scrovegni chapel, completely covered with Giotto frescoes.
Worth a visit are also Prato della Valle, biggest square in Europe and the Caffè Pedrocchi, one of the most ancient and renowned coffee bars in Italy
Escorted Tours
Half day Padua guided tour. Our guide will show you Scrovegni Chapel, masterpiece by Giotto. The tour is then followed by a tour in Padua city center main squares. Entrance to Scrovegni chapel has to be booked with some advance.
Half day Padua guided tour. The guide will take you to Basilica di Sant'Antonio explaining you all its masterpieces by Giotto, Donatello, etc, its secrets, its histories. The tour includes also a thorough visit of Padua city center main sights: Prato della Valle, Piazza dei Signori and a stop for a coffee or a snack at the gorgeous Caffé Pedrocchi.
Full day Padua guided tour. The tour includes a visit to Scrovegni Chapel, Padua city center main sights and the Basilica of Sant'Antonio.
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